
Suku Kata KKV dan Perkataan Yang Melibatkan Huruf Konsonan Bergabung (Diagraf)

Kad perkataan diagraf (contoh: bunga dan singa) berbentuk pensel dijadikan mobile. Burung origami ini pula sekadar hiasan dan untuk tujuan keseimbangan mobile tersebut.


Suku Kata KKV

Kad Suku Kata KV

Old and New 'Suku Kata' Cards

The cards in the colander on the left are worn and faded through constant use.I made them using manila cards and written with marker pens.Very simple and easy to make.Syllable cards such as these are suitable for teaching Bahasa Melayu but not English.

Kad Suku Kata V dan KV

I'm now at the final stage of doing the 'suku kata V dan KV' cards. The actual size is 4.5cm x 6cm.Firstly, I typed the syllables. Next, I cut and then pasted them on coloured papers-5 different colours  to differentiate the 5 vowels (vokal) - 'a' (green), 'e' (orange), 'i' (pink), 'o' (peach),'u' (blue). After that I laminate the cards so that they can last longer but the snag with using laminating film is its sharp edges. To overcome this problem I 'celotape' the sides- which is what I'm doing now.The cards in the pink colander are ready to be used.

Old Files

Discarded old files that I took from my home. Wrapped them using gift wrappers and they were almost as good as new.Have been using them in my remedial class for a few years but now I decided to change them with new ones as these are not the same height and size.

Remedial Class Files

My new remedial class files.This year I bought new files and gift wrappers.