
KSSR Year 2

Guess what?  Starting today till this coming Friday, I'm attending KSSR English course for Year 2. The teacher who's supposed to be present for the course couldn't make it. Actually I'm not an English teacher so I have to  pay my full attention during the course as I've to give in-house training when I return to school. There are lots of new things to learn like ENT, EMK,TMK,4M and so on.



Haven't posted anything for the past few days. Yesterday I went for a workshop to make a draft on 'Pelan Tindakan LINUS Tegar Tahun 2'. Well,as a matter of fact, I do not have any Year 2 LINUS tegar pupils but  I still made the draft as it's part of the workshop requirement. Who knows, maybe next year I'll have to teach 'LINUS tegar' .


My New Blog

The link below is my new blog. Please, feel free to visit my new site. Basically the content is almost similar to this blog. Thanks!


Perkataan Bergambar (ABM 2)

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